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GEV Round Robin Test 2017

This international Round Robin Test provided participants with information on their performance in emission tests according to the GEV Testing Method. This is used to determine volatile organic compounds for the characterisation of emission-controlled substances (e.g. adhesives, building products, mineral soils). In addition, the study allows a statement on the variability of the test results when using the GEV Testing Method in different testing laboratories.


Improved sensitivity for detection of breast cancer by combination of miR-34a and tumor markers CA 15-3 or CEA

Improved sensitivity for detection of breast cancer by combination of miR-34a and tumor markers CA 15-3 or CEA

Zaleski, Martin; Kobilay, Makbule; Schroeder, Lars; Debald, Manuel; Semaan, Alexander; Hettwer, Karina; Uhlig, Steffen; Kuhn, Walther; Hartmann, Gunther; Holdenrieder, Stefan (2018)

Published in:

Oncotarget 9 (32), S. 22523–22536

Validation of Arxula Yeast Estrogen Screen assay for detection of estrogenic activity in water samples: Results of an international interlaboratory study

Validation of Arxula Yeast Estrogen Screen assay for detection of estrogenic activity in water samples: Results of an international interlaboratory study

Karina Hettwer, Martin Jähne, Kirstin Frost, Martin Giersberg, Gotthard Kunze, Michael Trimborn, Martin Reif, Jochen Türk, Linda Gehrmann, Freddy Dardenne, Femke De Croock, Marion Abraham, Anne Schoop, Joanna J.Waniek, Thomas Bucher, Eszter Simon, Etienne Vermeirssen, AnettWerner, Karin Hellauer, UrsulaWallentits, Jörg E.

Effect-based trigger values for in vitro and in vivo bioassays performed on surface water extracts supporting the environmental quality standards (EQS) of the European Water Framework Directive

Effect-based trigger values for in vitro and in vivo bioassays performed on surface water extracts supporting the environmental quality standards (EQS) of the European Water Framework Directive

Escher, Beate I.; Aїt-Aїssa, Selim; Behnisch, Peter A.; Brack, Werner; Brion, François; Brouwer, Abraham; Buchinger, Sebastian; Crawford, Sarah E.; Du Pasquier, David; Hamers, Timo; Hettwer, Karina; Hilscherová, Klára; Hollert, Henner; Kase, Robert; Kienle, Cornelia; Tindall, Andrew J.; Tuerk, Jochen; van der Oost, Ron; Vermeirssen, Etienne; Neale, Peta A. (2018)

Das erste Treffen der § 64 LFGB Arbeitsgruppe „Massenspektrometrische Proteinanalytik“

Das erste Treffen der § 64 LFGB Arbeitsgruppe „Massenspektrometrische Proteinanalytik“

Becker, René; Wittke, Stefan; Brockmeyer, Jens; Schwägele, Fredi; Jira, Wolfgang; Uhlig, Steffen; Pöpping, Bert; Szabo, Kathrin; Stoyke, Manfred (2018)

Published in:

Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 101 (1), S. 96


QuoData organizes in-house training for validation of analytical methods

In addition to the development of software and concepts for analytical quality assurance, QuoData also provides individual in-house workshops and training. Topics, training materials and examples are always adapted to the field of application of the participants.

From 23 to 24 May 2018, QuoData held a two-day in-house training course on the validation of analytical methods and DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 based on practical examples on behalf of one of the world's leading providers of solutions for the healthcare market.


Artificial neural networks for the detection of food fraud - Data Scientists at Eurachem workshop in Dublin

The Eurachem Week 2018 took place from 14 - 18 May 2018. As a developer of mathematical-statistical concepts for quality assurance QuoData contributed to the event. Its data scientists and Carsten Uhlig of Akees GmbH presented a new approach to detect food fraud more quickly at the "Workshop on Data - Quality, Analysis and Integrity”, which was developed in cooperation with the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL).