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Determination of Gluten in Processed and Nonprocessed Corn Products by Qualitative R5 Immunochromatographic Dipstick: Collaborative Study, First Action 2015.16

Determination of Gluten in Processed and Nonprocessed Corn Products by Qualitative R5 Immunochromatographic Dipstick: Collaborative Study, First Action 2015.16

Pham, Ha Thi Minh; Chamas, Alexandre; Nieter, Annabel; Giersberg, Martin; Rutten, Twan; Gehrmann, Linda; Hettwer, Karina; Tuerk, Jochen; Uhlig, Steffen; Simon, Kirsten; Baronian, Kim; Kunze, Gotthard (2016)

Published in:

Matrix-Specific Method Validation of an Automated Most-Probable-Number System for Use in Measuring Bacteriological Quality of Grade "A" Milk Products

Matrix-Specific Method Validation of an Automated Most-Probable-Number System for Use in Measuring Bacteriological Quality of Grade "A" Milk Products

Lindemann, S.; M. Kmet; R. REDDY; S. Uhlig (2016)

Published in:

Journal of Food Protection 79 (11), S. 1911–1918 

QuoData-Workshops 2016/2017 – Know-how für die interne und externe Qualitätssicherung

All 2016/2017 dates for QuoData’s roster of workshops have been finalized. What's new this year is the addition of a brand new workshop. It will focus on method validation from an expert’s point-of-view. As with prior years, both the well-known PROLab workshop for the evaluation of interlaboratory studies and the InterVAL workshop for in-house method validation, verification and quality assurance, have been scheduled as well.


International Workshop: Planning and evaluation of proficiency tests and method validation studies

From 22-24 February in Berlin, QuoData will offer an international Workshop on the planning and evaluation of proficiency tests and method validation studies.


The new location in Berlin makes it easier for PT providers and the growing PROLab community worldwide to attend the workshop. All participants can still expect the well-known QuoData workshop atmosphere.



Proficiency test for forensic laboratories started – GSR2016

The registration phase for the international ENFSI proficiency test on the identification of gunshot residues (GSR) using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy has closed. This year has seen nearly 60 laboratories from 29 different countries take part. In the coming weeks, the samples will be prepared and shipped.



The international PROLab community meets once again at QuoData - Interlaboratory studies workshop 2015

An important aspect of QuoData’s work involves providing professional training for those involved in proficiency testing, quality and statistics. As part of this, QuoData will hold its workshop for the Evaluation of Interlaboratory Studies from 23 -25 September, 2015. Workshops are just one aspect of QuoData’s regular provision of training sessions, webinars and in-house events.


Purification and immunodetection of the complete recombinant HER-2[neu] receptor produced in yeast.

Purification and immunodetection of the complete recombinant HER-2[neu] receptor produced in yeast

Chamas, Alexandre; Giersberg, Martin; Friedrich, Katrin; Sonntag, Frank; Kunze, Dietmar; Uhlig, Steffen et al. (2015)

Published in:

Protein Expression and Purification (105), p. 61–70.