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Development of a recombinant Arxula adeninivorans cell bioassay for the detection of molecules with progesterone activity in wastewater.

Development of a recombinant Arxula adeninivorans cell bioassay for the detection of molecules with progesterone activity in wastewater

Chamas, Alexandre; Nieter, Annabel; Pham, Ha Thi Minh; Giersberg, Martin; Hettwer, Karina; Uhlig, Steffen et al. (2015)

Published in:

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407 (26), p. 8109–8120.

Collaborative trial validation of cry1Ab/Ac and Pubi-cry TaqMan-based real-time PCR assays for detection of DNA derived from genetically modified Bt plant products.

Collaborative trial validation of cry1Ab/Ac and Pubi-cry TaqMan-based real-time PCR assays for detection of DNA derived from genetically modified Bt plant products.

Grohmann, Lutz; Reiting, Ralf; Mäde, Dietrich; Uhlig, Steffen; Simon, Kirsten; Frost, Kirstin et al. (2015)

Published in:

Accreditation and Quality Assurance 20 (2), p. 85–96.

Zielgerichtete Erhebung experimenteller Daten als Grundlage zur Ableitung der konzentrationsabhängigen Messunsicherheit bei Bodenelutionsverfahren. Abschlussbericht zum F+E Vorhaben

Zielgerichtete Erhebung experimenteller Daten als Grundlage zur Ableitung der konzentrationsabhängigen Messunsicherheit bei Bodenelutionsverfahren. Abschlussbericht zum F+E Vorhaben

Hennecke, Dieter; Uhlig, Steffen; Baldauf, Henning (2015)

Published in:

Hg. v. Umweltbundesamt. Fraunhofer IME; Deutsches Institut für Normung.

The determination of pharmaceuticals in wastewater using a recombinant Arxula adeninivorans whole cell biosensor

The determination of pharmaceuticals in wastewater using a recombinant Arxula adeninivorans whole cell biosensor

Pham, Ha Thi Minh; Giersberg, Martin; Gehrmann, Linda; Hettwer, Karina; Tuerk, Jochen; Uhlig, Steffen et al. (2015)

Published in:

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (211), p. 439–448

Robust estimation of between and within laboratory standard deviation with measurement results below the detection limit

Robust estimation of between and within laboratory standard deviation with measurement results below the detection limit

Uhlig, Steffen (2015)

Published in:

In: Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (10), p. 385–391