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German Government Official Methods Board Points the Way Forward: Launch of a New Working Group for Mass Spectrometry for Protein Analysis to Detect Food Fraud and Food Allergens

German Government Official Methods Board Points the Way Forward: Launch of a New Working Group for Mass Spectrometry for Protein Analysis to Detect Food Fraud and Food Allergens

Stoyke, Manfred; Becker, René; Brockmeyer, Jens; Jira, Wolfgang; Popping, Bert; Uhlig, Steffen; Wittke, Stefan (2019)

Published in: 

Journal of AOAC International 102.

Assessing the equivalence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus MPN and PCR Quantification Methods in Oyster Samples: A Seven-Year Study

Assessing the equivalence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus MPN and PCR Quantification Methods in Oyster Samples: A Seven-Year Study

Lindemann, Samantha; Colson, Bertrand; Newkirk, Robert; Uhlig, Steffen; REDDY, RAVINDER (2019)

Published in:

Food Microbiology 84 (2019) 103163

Development and In-House Validation of an LC-MS and LC-MS/MS Assay for the Determination of Food Fraud for Different Fish Species

Development and In-House Validation of an LC-MS and LC-MS/MS Assay for the Determination of Food Fraud for Different Fish Species

Lasch, Philipp; Uhlig, Steffen; Uhlig, Carsten; Wilhelm, Christian; Bergmann, Nicola; Wittke, Stefan (2019)

Published in: 

Journal of AOAC International 102, p. 1-9

New approaches for analytical quality assurance – meet QuoData

The QuoData experts actively participate in upcoming international conferences. After the ArabLab in March and the Eurachem Workshop in May, further contributions are planned for which preparations are underway: analytica Lab Africa (in Johannesburg, South Africa), IAFP 2019 (in Louisville, Kentucky, USA) and the International Proficiency Testing Conference (PT conf, in Oradea, Romania).

Start of the GSR proficiency test 2019

On behalf of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI), international proficiency tests for the identification of gunshot residues (GSR) have been carried out for many years.

Since 2009, QuoData has been organizing and evaluating the annual proficiency tests of the GSR quality system on behalf of ENFSI independently.



In-house training for planning and conducting method validation studies with InterVAL

QuoData's Data Scientists regularly share their knowledge and experience in planning and conducting method validation studies. Therefore QuoData offers individual in-house workshops and trainings. Topics, training materials and examples are always adapted to the needs of the participants.


Drupal Developer Visits QuoData: Commitment to Open Source Software

Drupal Global Contribution Weekend took place in Dresden from 25 to 27 January 2019. It was a great pleasure for the entire QuoData team to host Drupal developers from across Germany for this event, which took place simultaneously at 23 locations worldwide.

Over the weekend, 13 developers came together to learn from each other and to enhance the existing Drupal framework, which is used for many QuoData web applications.
