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Survey of gunshot residue prevalence on the hands of individuals from various population groups in and outside Europe

Survey of gunshot residue prevalence on the hands of individuals from various population groups in and outside Europe

Stamouli, Amalia; Niewöhner, Ludwig; Larsson, Magnus; Colson, Bertrand; Uhlig, Steffen; Fojtasek, Lubor; Machado, Fatima; Gunaratnam, Lawrence (2021)

Published in:

Forensic Chemistry;

CEQAT-DGHS interlaboratory tests for chemical safety: Validation of laboratory test methods by determining the measurement uncertainty and probability of incorrect classification including so-called “Shark profiles”

CEQAT-DGHS interlaboratory tests for chemical safety: Validation of laboratory test methods by determining the measurement uncertainty and probability of incorrect classification including so-called “Shark profiles”

Lüth, Peter; Uhlig, Steffen; Frost, Kirstin; Malow, Marcus; Micheal-Schulz, Heike; Schmidt, Martin; Zakel, Sabine (2021)

Published in:


Interlaboratory comparison of SARS-CoV2 molecular detection assays in use by U.S.veterinary diagnostic laboratories

Interlaboratory comparison of SARS-CoV2 molecular detection assays in use by U.S.veterinary diagnostic laboratories 

Deng, Kaiping; Uhlig, Steffen; Ip, Hon S.; Killian, Mary Lea; Goodman, Laura B.; Nemser, Sarah; Ulaszek, Jodie; Pickens, Shannon; Newkirk, Robert; Kmet, Matthew; Frost, Kirstin; Hettwer, Karina; Colson, Bertrand; Nichani, Kapil; Schlierf, Anja; Tkachenko, Andriy; Reddy, Ravinder; Reimschuessel, Renate (2021)

PReal-Time PCR Assay for the Detection and Quantification of Roe Deer to Detect Food Adaulteration - Interlaboratory Validation Onvolving Laboratories in Austria, Germany and Switzerland

PReal-Time PCR Assay for the Detection and Quantification of Roe Deer to Detect Food Adaulteration - Interlaboratory Validation Onvolving Laboratories in Austria, Germany and Switzerland

Druml, Barbara; Uhlig, Steffen; Simon, Kirsten; Frost, Kirstin; Hettwer, Karina; Cichna-Markl, Margit; Hochegger, Rupert (2021)

Published in:


Digitization and artificial intelligence are finding their way into viticulture

SmartGrape - AI-based MIR measuring system for determining quality in viticulture With the „SmartGrape“ project, QuoData and the partner institutes aim to analyze the quality determining characteristics of grapes by combining a miniaturized infrared spectrometer with an artificial intelligence (AI) approach.