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PROLab gave us new ideas for how to solve problem and we were impressed with the visualization of data and its fast results.

- Milenko Maricic, Lead Engineer at Institute IMS

PROLab Demo

Even with the demo, I was able to use the software with minimum intervention from the PROLab team, especially taking into account that I am located in South Africa.

- Lucky Mumba, Laboratory Manager


PROLab was appreciated by all participating labs due to the fact that it follows International ISO standards and has good presentation of statistically analyzed interpreted data.

- Angamuthu Manoharan, Senior Scientist 


Die Reportfunktion und die graphischen Darstellungen von PROLab sind sehr, sehr hilfreich!

- Monika Ratte, Managing Director

Essential terminology and considerations for validation of non-target methods

Essential terminology and considerations for validation of non-target methods

Nichani, Kapil; Uhlig, Steffen; Stoyke, Manfred; Kemmlein, Sabine; Ulberth, Franz; Haase, Ilka; Döring, Maik; G Walch; Stephan; Gowik, Petra (2023)

Published in:

Food Chemistry;

Development of Non-Targeted Mass Spectrometry Method for Distinguishing Spelt and Wheat

Development of Non-Targeted Mass Spectrometry Method for Distinguishing Spelt and Wheat

Nichani, Kapil; Uhlig, Steffen; Colson, Bertrand; Hettwer, Karina; Simon, Kirsten; Bönick, Josephine; Uhlig, Carsten; Kemmlein, Sabine; Stoyke, Manfred; Gowik, Petra; Husschek, Gerd; M.Rawel, Harshadrai (2023)

Published in:


Successful Detection of Delta and Omicron Variants of SARS-CoV-2 by Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Participants in an Interlaboratory Comparison Exercise

Successful Detection of Delta and Omicron Variants of SARS-CoV-2 by Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Participants in an Interlaboratory Comparison Exercise

Deng, Kaiping; Nemser, Sarah M; Frost, Kirstin; Goodman, Laura B; Ip, Hon S; Killian, Mary Lea; Ulaszek, Jodie; Kiener, Shannon; Kmet, Matthew; Uhlig, Steffen; Hettwer, Karina; Colson, Bertrand; Nichani, Kapil; Schlierf, Anja; Tkachenko, Andriy; Miller, Megan R; Reddy, Ravinder; Tyson, Gregory H