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International Workshop: Planning and evaluation of proficiency tests and method validation studies

From 22-24 February in Berlin, QuoData will offer an international Workshop on the planning and evaluation of proficiency tests and method validation studies.


The new location in Berlin makes it easier for PT providers and the growing PROLab community worldwide to attend the workshop. All participants can still expect the well-known QuoData workshop atmosphere.


QuoData workshops provide a well-handled balance between theoretical input and practical application with the PROLab software. Requirements of established international standards (ISO I3528, 5725 & 17043) will be clarified and the corresponding procedures presented using real data sets. The workshop is led by QuoData experts who are well acquainted to the teaching environment. Thus this opportunity is suitable for long-term PROLab users as well as newcomers to the software and people interested in the overall topic.


For more than 20 years, QuoData has been active in the area of interlaboratory studies. This is also reflected by the intensive effort QuoData puts into national and international standardization. Participants can make use of this expertise and rely on the advice of the QuoData experts.


Date: 22-24 February 2017


A PROLab workshop in German language will be held in German on 3-5 May 2017 in Dresden, Germany. Further information about the workshop and the program will be released in the near future in the workshops section on the website
