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Start of international interlaboratory test GSR2013

GSR Web Service

10 January | Start of international interlaboratory test GSR2013

The international interlaboratory test GSR2013 has started. As of now interested parties can register. 

The GSR2013 is part of the GSR (Gunshot Residues) Quality Scheme. For several years now QuoData has been assuming the complete organisation and evaluation of the GSR interlaboratory tests on behalf of the ENFSI Expert Working Group "Firearms/GSR".

The program enjoys worldwide laboratory reputation where it is used for verification and securing accuracy at the detection of gunshot residues in forensics.

The aim of the interlaboratory test is to support laboratories revealing inaccuracies at the detection and identification of gunshot residues by use of scanning electron microscope (SEM). That way error sources can be determined and afterwards eliminated, whereby the laboratories' performance regarding the accuracy of the method is improved.

Within the proficiency test, QuoData offers comprehensive web services which include a straightforward submission of measurement results as well as a specific tool for continuous internal quality management - GSR Individual Evaluation.

The registration for this year's interlaboratory test is possible up to the 31st March 2013.

Interested in participation? Further information can be found on the GSR2013 website.

For information regarding other interlaboratory tests of QuoData and offered services in this field visit the Interlaboratory Studies section on our webiste.
