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Jährlicher internationaler Workshop für die Auswertung von Ringversuchen in Englischer Sprache in Vorbereitung


Providers of interlaboratory studies can look forward to November’s bi-annual QuoData Workshop for the evaluation of interlaboratory studies. The workshop outline is now available online and details all topics covered for the 3 day event.


The English workshop for the evaluation of interlaboratory studies will be held this year from 12-14 November at QuoData in Dresden, Germany. Participants are invited to attend all sessions and days, but are also welcome to select the days which they are most interested in.


Every year QuoData holds two interlaboratory workshops in both English and German. Both focus on providing up-to-date information regarding standards, techniques and procedures related to preforming interlaboratory studies.


Registration is open until November 3rd.


To register, use this contact form and for all other questions contact Mr. Pohl at  or +49 - (0)3 51 - 40 28 86 7 41. 
