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A joint workshop on validation of microbiological methods with FDA and IFSH

A joint workshop on validation of microbiological methods with FDA and IFSH


Together with U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Institute for Food Safety and Health, QuoData held the second training course on validation of qualitative microbiological methods from 18 to 20 September at the University of Maryland as part of the joint workshop series.

The aim of the workshop was to enhance the ability to interpret validation performance characteristics in order to define quality control measures and make decisions regarding the appropriate use of microbiological methods. The training targeted microbiologists, food safety professionals and scientists in testing laboratories, industrial and research institutions, as well as regulatory agencies. It was well received and more than 25 scientists participated in the 3-day event.

PD Dr. habil. Steffen Uhlig, the scientific head and CEO of QuoData along with Dr. Karina Hettwer and Bertrand Colson provided in-depth knowledge and understanding of terminology and principles of national and international validation standards (AOAC, ISO 16140).


The next workshop series is expected to be held in 2020.


Please contact QuoData if you want to stay up to date on the latest information about QuoData’s workshops and further events. 

Fortsetzung der Workshopreihe von QuoData, FDA und IFSH zum Thema Methodenvalidierung
