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How AI can help everyone’s decision-making process in the COVID-19 era – a novel QuoData approach to tackle the complexities of a pandemic

The novel coronavirus has directly or indirectly affected everyone’s lives forcing people to embrace a new normal. Many experts predict that the pandemic is likely to have a continued impact, far beyond the ongoing distancing restrictions. Moving forward, QuoData believes that adapting and tweaking everyone’s personal and business decision-making process, by factoring different socio-economic aspects is the key.

In addition to fulfilling its ongoing commitments and continued services to all customers, QuoData is heavily invested in contributing its skills and expertise towards the ongoing crisis.

Under the title of "Modeling projections for COVID-19 pandemic by combining epidemiological, statistical, and neural network approaches", QuoData has recently published its ongoing work as a preprint, which describes an approach for reliable forecasting models for COVID-19 pandemic, by utilizing AI models.

Read the full article here: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.17.20059535v1

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In this article, QuoData proposes an empirical top-down modeling approach to provide epidemic forecasts and risk calculations for (local) COVID-19 outbreaks. In the scope of its method QuoData proposes evaluating several Early Warning Indicators (EWIs) for country/state/county specific data. This pool of EWIs is then sieved using neural networks to effectively choose significant and informative indicators. Parametric models are then built using these region-specific indicators to provide a prognosis and its associated uncertainty.

Based on the initial results, data scientists at QuoData are motivated by the usefulness of the approach and reliability of the predictions. If you find the work interesting and in-line with what you may be working on or looking for, please feel free to contact the QuoData experts.