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Evaluation of the interlaboratory test 2015 – 2016 on the method UN Test L.2 “Sustained combustibility test” / EN ISO 9038:2013 “Determination of sustained combustibility of liquids"

Evaluation of the interlaboratory test 2015 – 2016 on the method UN Test L.2 “Sustained combustibility test” / EN ISO 9038:2013 “Determination of sustained combustibility of liquids".

Evaluation of the interlaboratory test 2015 – 2016 on the method UN Test L.2 “Sustained combustibility test” / EN ISO 9038:2013 “Determination of sustained combustibility of liquids"

Brandes, Elisabeth; Colson, Bertrand; Frost, Kirstin; Lüth, Peter; Simon, Kirsten; Stolz, T.; Uhlig, Steffen (2017)

Published in:

Final Report. Hg. v. BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung. Berlin