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PReal-Time PCR Assay for the Detection and Quantification of Roe Deer to Detect Food Adaulteration - Interlaboratory Validation Onvolving Laboratories in Austria, Germany and Switzerland

PReal-Time PCR Assay for the Detection and Quantification of Roe Deer to Detect Food Adaulteration - Interlaboratory Validation Onvolving Laboratories in Austria, Germany and Switzerland

PReal-Time PCR Assay for the Detection and Quantification of Roe Deer to Detect Food Adaulteration - Interlaboratory Validation Onvolving Laboratories in Austria, Germany and Switzerland

Druml, Barbara; Uhlig, Steffen; Simon, Kirsten; Frost, Kirstin; Hettwer, Karina; Cichna-Markl, Margit; Hochegger, Rupert (2021)

Published in:

Foods; https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/10/11/2645