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QuoData's Analytical Quality Assurance Solutions - Trusted by U.S. FDA and U.S. NIST

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA) and the U.S. National Institue of Standards and Technology (NIST) put their trust in QuoData's Analytical Quality Assurance Solutions

Since its foundation in 1995, QuoData has acquired a wide range of customers and partners around the world through its reliability and expertise. Among them influential policy-making and standard-setting bodies in the United States like the U.S. FDA and NIST.

The U.S. FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of drugs, medical devices, food, and other products impacting human and animal well-being. The U.S. FDA has been utilizing QuoData's solutions for Interlaboratory Studies (ILS) for over 10 years. Additionally, QuoData's statistical and technical helpdesk has provided essential support for analytical quality assurance endeavors. Furthermore, QuoData, U.S. FDA and the Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) at Illinois Institute of Technology have developed a joint training series on validation and verification of microbiological methods and collaborated to develop an easy to use toolbox for testing laboratories.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is one of the most renowned metrology institutes worldwide and provides proficiency tests on physical and chemical measurements in the US.

NIST as well makes use of QuoData’s unique expertise in the field of proficiency testing and interlaboratory studies. QuoData solutions – web-based solution for study management and tools for statistical analysis and reporting – are utilized since 2014. QuoData also provided in-house training sessions which focused on proficiency tests and statistical methods included in ISO 13528:2015, at U.S. NIST in Gaithersburg.

QuoData is committed to achieving excellence in the field of quality assurance and to share its on the global stage. To explore QuoData solutions for interlaboratory studies - PROLab and the upcoming web-seminars - please visit the following links.

PROLab - Software for PT programs and collaborative studies:

Web-seminars 2024: